Homebuyer’s charter of demands
The Hindustan Times, New Delhi edition published on 23 May 2014 a charter of demand’s raised by homebuyers. I’ve attached the article as …
Almost everything is also marked General
The Hindustan Times, New Delhi edition published on 23 May 2014 a charter of demand’s raised by homebuyers. I’ve attached the article as …
I’ve been using Google apps standard edition for small businesses since the past 8 years. It was a real boon for small …
It’s taken me a few years to understand how home loans work in India. This post should help anyone who’s got a …
The most popular KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) in New Delhi, the capital city of India, was shut down yesterday as it was a “Health Hazard”. The government order, clearly stating that the KFC was found to be “running under unsanitary and un-hygienic conditions” is posted here.
On 12 April 2012, the Supreme Court of India delivered a Judgment upholding provisions of the “The Right of Children to Free …
Private schools in India should be allowed to convert to profitable, tax paying institutions. They should pay the entire cost of land, in case they have got land at a discounted rate. They should decide who to admit and what fee to charge, but they should also pay taxes on any profits they make. These taxes, collected by the Government of India, should be used to setup more schools that can provide free education.
Every time a new virus or malware is found, Apple usually provides a solution in the form of a OS update or a security update. If the Mac OS is being regularly updated, there is no need of an antivirus. I would prefer Apple’s updates any day over installing an antivirus, which, besides slowing down the system, creates more security holes and also consumes bandwidth. I don’t use an anti-virus.