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General, Page 4

Almost everything is also marked General

Stop that music – now!

When my choice is selective Country or Blues or Jazz in a particular setting and volume, how can any store managers decide to thrust blaring noise on me just because I’ve been kind enough to consider buying something from them?

Night vision on a Mac!

It’s cold in New Delhi, especially at night. Without central heating, sitting on a chair and working on a desktop at night …

I own a tree !

I’ve received this certificate and what a good feeling it gives. I have no idea if a tree has actually been grown …

NotionInk Adam launch controversies

Andriod Police has done it’s job by highlighting some issues with warranty clauses, shipping costs etc. Great. Thank you. Now NI will fix what they can. That’s what Adam has been about, community feedback based development.

Reset lost admin password on a Mac

My friend didn’t know the admin password of his Apple iMac so it I figured I would reset it. While it’s easy to reset the lost or forgotten password, I realized there aren’t too many step-by-step guides so I decide to create one.

Old School

I studied in the St. Joseph’s School (also called North Point) at Darjeeling between 1983 and 1989. The school was started in 1888, that’s 112 years ago. The school building, made of large blocks of stone, is so beautiful; it should actually be declared a heritage structure. While doing this search I found this picture, just click on it to see it in its true grandeur: